Foundation Bible
Beginning Sunday, May 24th we will head back to the fellowship to “worship in spirit and truth” together as a body once again.
Services will return to their normal schedule but we will have a few minor tweaks to our ministries. Food and drinks will not be available until those restrictions are lifted by the OHA. There will also be changes made concerning our children’s Sunday school classes in order to keep our kiddos compliant with government requests.
Social distancing requirements that have been requested by our governing health authorities will be maintained to the best of our abilities. Please monitor your family and try to keep the requested 6 feet of distance between you and those around you. Wash or sanitize your hands as requested by the OHA. If you are feeling sick in any way, please stay home. We will be here when you get back to feeling 100%.
We will also continue to livestream services on Facebook for the foreseeable future. Please prayerfully consider whether you should join us at the fellowship or whether continuing to worship with us from home via livestream is best for your family.
If you have any questions or concerns, hit up Joel or Garin via text, email or on Discord.
Stay safe and we’ll see you on Sunday!