Foundation Bible
10:30AM - 12:00PM
Third Thursday of Every Month
7:00PM - 8:00PM
James 4:10 tells us to "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up." At FBF we have decided to set aside a little time each month dedicated to worship, prayer and communion with the ultimate goal being to intimately experiencing our Father in a more personal way. We believe that True Clarity comes from True Humility and True Humility is fostered in True Worship; lift up the Lord and be humbled... Be humbled in Him and be lifted up by Him!
Second Saturday of Every Month
9:30AM - 10:30AM
Join the ladies of Foundation Bible for an hour of coffee, tea & munchies while they study the word, fellowship with one another and pray for the things that the Lord brings to their hearts & minds. Just remember, this is a very exclusive club... no boys allowed!
"But the hour cometh, and now is, when true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father seeketh such to worship him." - John 4:23. What does it mean to worship the Lord in both "spirit" and "truth"? Why are we told to not forsake "...the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is..." in Hebrews 10:25? How can a fellowship truly operate in the heart and intent of the early church found in Acts 2:42? Come join us every Sunday morning as we find practical answers to these (and many other) questions, while continualy learning to love our Father just a little bit more each day.